Friday, August 9, 2013

I read a quote in Autobiography of a Yogi  by the early 20th century French physiologist Charles Richet that read:

"Very strange, very wonderful, seemingly very improbably phenomena may yet appear which, when once established, will not astonish us more than we are now astonished at all that science has taught us during the last century"... 

"It is assumed that the phenomena which we now accept without surprise, do not excite our astonishment because they are understood. But this is not the case. If they do not surprise us, it is not because they are understood, it is because they are familiar; for if that which is not understood ought to surprise us, we should be surprised at everything- the fall of a stone thrown into the air, the acorn which becomes an oak, mercury which expands when it is heated, iron attracted by a magnet."

"The science of today is a light matter. Those amazing truths that our descendants will discover are even now all around us, staring us in the eyes, so to speak; and yet we do not see them. But it is not enough to say that we do not see them; we do not wish to see them- for as soon as an unexpected and unfamiliar fact appears, we try to fit it into the framework of the commonplaces of accepted knowledge, and are indignant that anyone should dare to experiment further." 

The last portion is my favorite: when something unexpected happens we do not wish to see it. It is an outlier. Impossible. A fluke. There must be some explanation for the outlier that fits into our current model.

I propose, and I'm not alone, and it makes complete sense, that beta cells can regenerate. The auto-immune response can be arrested. It is simply an inflammatory reaction, caused by a million things, but I would fathom that we can turn it off. Unexpected, unfamiliar, impossible by what we now accept as science, maybe. But the fact remains that our bodily cells are in constant regeneration and beta cells are no exception.

1 comment:

  1. So true, and thank you for being an example of the "impossible." Your beta cells are clearly back on board (you could not be controlling your bg so well otherwise). As a fan of sci-fi, I am always reminding myself that real life is more incredible and potentially powerful than any sci-fi story. I like to think that all sorts of "impossible" things occur in people all the time right under our noses. Why not?!
